Supporting the Mission of BMPA
Bexley community members and business owners believe in BMPA’s mission. They show their support through donations of products and services, as well as through financial contributions that help to fund scholarships and other initiatives. BMPA is grateful for their ongoing support!
If you wish to financially contribute to the mission of BMPA, please send donations to Ohio State Bank, PO Box 91117, Bexley OH 43209. You can also use our secure PayPal portal or send a donation via Venmo to @BexleyMinorities.
Circle of Excellence Awards
Each year we host the Circle of Excellence. This is our signature event where we take time to celebrate our students, graduates, distinguished alumni, community partners and honored guests. During this celebration, several scholarships and awards are presented to our community.
Meet our BMPA Sponsors
The individuals and businesses listed below have generously supported our mission in 2021.
BMPA Title Sponsorship
BMPA is grateful for the generous support from Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg Co., L.P.A. Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg Co., L.P.A. (NRS) is an injury law firm based in Ohio, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus. With more than 150 years of combined legal experience, the attorneys at NRS represent individuals in Cleveland and throughout the state of Ohio in many areas, including automobile accidents. Workers compensation and personal injury law are the historic foundations of the firm. They are proud to provide key scholarship support for BMPA students and families.
The Joann Drewry Trust is also proud to serve as a 2022 Title Sponsor for the students and families of the BMPA.
John Robert Lewis Sponsorship
- Golden Orthodontics
- Ohio State Bank
- The Osei Family
Rosa Parks Sponsorship
- Bexley Women’s Club
- Janine White
- Dailia Knoppes
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Become a BMPA Sponsor Today
If your business is interested in empowering Bexley minority students to achieve their full potential, we welcome your support.