BMPA Scholarship Application

BMPA scholarships are available for current seniors in Bexley who have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, have been accepted by an accredited college/university/technical program, have individual honors/achievements, and have extracurricular activities in the community. Please see the application form for additional information.

DEADLINE EXTENDED: The deadline for turning in your application and one letter of recommendation is April 6th.

Please follow the instructions within the application document for submitting your application and letter of recommendation via email (preferred option) or mail/in person. The scholarship committee will announce the winners at the Circle of Excellence Event.

You Can Help

Whether it’s through participating at monthly meetings, attending events with your family, volunteering or making a donation, please help support BMPA.


You Can Help

Whether it’s through participating at monthly meetings, attending events with your family, volunteering or making a donation, please help support BMPA.