Each month, Parents and Allies of BMPA gather to meet and discuss our current initiatives in support of our mission and goals.  You do NOT need to be a parent of a minority child to join these meetings — all Allies who are interested in achieving our common goals are welcome to participate.

While these meetings are typically in person, due to COVID-19, we have temporarily moved to a Zoom meetings format.  Please feel free to register to attend the next BMPA Open Planning Meeting here.

Below are the minutes from our Open Planning Meeting that was held on October 19th, 2020.

Financial Update

BMPA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and through donations and fundraising efforts. We will reach out in 2021 to potential donors and businesses, partner with OSU if possible, and may look into a tax firm (if anyone knows of one, please let us know).

Marketing / Website Efforts

We were approved by Google for Nonprofits, and have entire suite of their products to manage our communications.

We also set up new Instagram account and will tie in pictures when we have in-person events again.

Ahdra and Nate are working on editorial calendar for monthly events to support our mission and keeping schedules reasonable (one key event per month in 2021, focused around a theme, to be tied into our e-newsletters too), as well as ongoing website updates.

Community Outreach

Police Listening Sessions

Started last week, positive updates so far. Continuing to advocate for people to attend, but each week’s session seems to build upon the prior, so may be beneficial to attend longer term.

Town Hall Meeting

Next Town Hall Meeting – planned for first Thursday in December (12/3)

Children’s Programming Updates

Family Fall Fun Day went well (18 attendees from BMPA). Looking into holiday outreach/service project that children can get involved in, as opposed to an outing for Nov-Dec (could partner with DARN or adopt a family).

City Council Update (Jen Robinson)

Last week’s meeting discussing ordinance 38-20 was unanimously passed. Ordinance 38-20 expands the Citizen Review Advisory Board that the Mayor created with an executive order in June. The board is charged with reviewing complaints about unlawful discrimination or bias directed by city employees that are under appeal to the Mayor. There is also a complaint liaison to walk the resident through the process and serve as an intermediary.

The ordinance expands the board from the 3 current members to 5, and established three-year terms for each member. Board members will be selected by the Mayor, with City Council approval. More on the ordinance is available on the City Council website.

The Racism in the Criminal Justice system panel discussion after last week’s City Council meeting was incredibly informative and went well. First of a series of events, next one will be announced soon. A 90-minute recording of the event is available online.

This Wednesday at 5:45PM is Part 2 of the Conversations on Social Justice, organized by the New Albany Lecture Series, free to register (event info on BMPA Facebook group). Conversation led by Michelle Alexander, interviewing Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to be an Anti-Racist.

Hispanic Heritage Month Updates

Thank you to Monique Lampke for her involvement and leadership. Events from Sept. 15 – Oct. 15 included a Food Truck Celebration on Main St. w/Dos Hermanos & Empanadas and More; Hispanic-inspired trivia night (best attendance yet on Zoom) with Bexley Public Library; partnership with BMPA and Bexley Public Library and Celebration & Events Committee to have residents of Hispanic heritage read Spanish stories, videos on social media; and a virtual cooking demonstration with Bexley residents who made their favorite Puerto Rican dish.

Financial Literacy Series

In partnership with community members and Bexley Public Library, BMPA will host events for adults, and could also have one session geared towards young adults/high school students.

Circle of Excellence (April 2021)

We had great inaugural event in 2019, but canceled in 2020 due to COVID, although we still gave out awards and scholarships (virtually/distanced). The April 2021 event will be virtual and we are looking for volunteers to help make it engaging and enjoyable for all.

Programming Update

Considering possible lecture from Melissa McFadden, author of Walking the Thin Black Line (Black police officer with Columbus Police Dept.)

Mentorship Program

We will be sending out a survey to find out who would like to be a mentor and who would benefit from services. We also received approval from the Rotary Club to pay for background checks to mentors.

DARN Update (Kya Hatton)

DARN received the BMPA Friend of the Year award due to DARN’s involvement and assistance to BMPA. DARN is continuing their support and partnership through various efforts, including the SW Bexley learning pod for students in the Bexley School District.

Bexley School District

School District Update (Leisan Smith, Director of Student & Community Engagement for Bexley City Schools, works with all buildings in the district)

Food Services Update: Free breakfast and lunch to all students for the entire year, Bexley is delivering meals to homes for free for all lunches not in the building, and any meals served during the school day are also free for all students in the building

Positive updates from the district with respect to micro-aggressions and students coming forward if there is an issue in the classroom/with a teacher. Policies will be reviewed for district with respect to anti-racism and equity.

Meeting with Dr. Good (New Superintendent)

Dr. Good is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion work; will also be meeting with BARP later this week. He has already reached out to various groups early on to make sure that work is embedded in all aspects of the school district’s endeavors.

Community Conversation