October 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Below are the notes from our October 2023 meeting. We will also send out the notes summary in our November e-newsletter, which you can sign up for on our website. We do not send additional emails aside from the once-a-month summary. The option is on the main home page beneath "Subscribe for Updates" under "Get Involved" or you can fill

March 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Below are the notes from our March 2023 BMPA Community Meeting. Please let us know if you would like to help with any of the items or events in the notes. We will also send out the notes summary in our March e-newsletter, which you can sign up for on our website. We do not send additional emails aside from

February 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who took the time out of their busy schedule to participate in the conversations, virtually or at the library, for our February 2023 Community Meeting. We really appreciate the involvement from all, regardless of whether you reside in Bexley or not, or are a parent of a Bexley student or not--everyone is welcome to our events,