Dr. Jonathon Baker BMPABMPA is featuring our founding president, Dr. Jonathan Baker for our Executive Profile. Dr. Baker is a 15-year resident of Bexley and a graduate of both Northwestern and Ohio State Universities. His research focused on statistics, education and distance learning.

Jonathan’s activities have focused on matters of equity for historically under-served populations ranging from women in STEM fields to transfer student success. He also serves as a faculty mentor to OSU football student athletes, is an advocate in the University Advocates and Allies program and mentors students from the Louis Stokes Alliances.

Jonathan is originally from Chicago, but Bexley reminded him of his wife Courtney’s home town of Oak Park. Community involvement is key to Jonathan’s overall life mission. He is involved as a member of the Bexley Middle School PTO, Athletic Boosters, Bexley Schools interview committee, and is a youth basketball coach as well.

His coordination of the national #IRunWithMaud walk helped raised attention to country-wide issues in Bexley. He and other community members founded BMPA in 2015 to build community among minority families and effect positive change in the school district. The group’s goal has been to advocate for minority students and influence school policy change. His leadership has led to major changes in the school and city as he has challenged the community to become more inclusive in their practices.

We thank Dr. Baker for his commitment to the community and leadership in this important community group.